Walking, it’s magic! Old age doesn’t cause senility
A group of researchers led by German brain researcher Gerd Kempermann recently discovered that around 700 new nerve cells are generated from stem cells every day, even in adults of all ages, contrary to the long-held belief that nerve cell formation ends in early adolescence. These new nerve cells are formed in the hippocampus, a brain region in the temporal lobe. The hippocampus is the gateway to memory, so to speak, because the hippocampus is responsible for spatial and long-term memory as well as for learning. The brain needs activity, those who do not use it lose it. Regular, moderate exercise, e.g. light jogging, maintains the formation of new nerve cells and can help you outrun dementia. other factors that promote adult neurogenesis are learning new things, e.g. a new musical instrument or by setting new stimuli of any kind and by eating a healthy diet (omega-3 fatty acids).
The legendary cab driver study in 2000 showed that the length of time someone worked as a cab driver in London correlated with the size of their hippocampus. This was explained by the fact that the ability to learn the complicated London street map was decisive for performance on the job. The immense learning performance of having to get to know the city without navigation was demonstrated in MRI with an enlarged hippocampus in these same cab drivers, which means that learning is possible at any age and exercise keeps mental performance high. Conversely, we know that depression is associated with a smaller hippocampus. Another effect of exercise is the body's own release of endorphins, which have a similar effect to opiate derivatives (opioids) and trigger satisfaction and joy, thus counteracting the dreaded depression. Endorphins also have a pain-relieving effect.
Our medical aim is to work with you to maintain this essential mobility at all costs. However, surgery is only the last step and not the first. Beforehand, the entire spectrum of conservative measures must be exhausted. Maintaining mobility means increased mental capacity, independence, self-determination, maintaining social contacts and ultimately a zest for life.
From our point of view, joie de vivre really knows no age!